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NightRush - Important News


Welcome back and welcome to 2021!

So far, it seems as though this crazy little pandemic is as persistent as ever, goodness what a time we are living in!

We hope that you and your loved ones have been keeping safe and healthy.

Down to some important reminders please:
As you have seen in our last few communications, the following brands have migrated to a new system.

Listed below are URGENT changes which are required, these changes must be implemented by the end of January 2021:

  • Change tagged links for NightRush
  1. This need to be done through the new system please (links below and above)
  2. If you are struggling to log into your account or pull new links please contact your affiliate manager. Alternatively drop us an email on: [email protected]
  • Brand Review update: NightRush are Licensed by N1 Interactive and no longer by the Bethard Group

  • With the above being said, please note that both brands carry the MGA license and no longer an SE license. This means that NightRush cannot be promoted in Sweden, please remove both brands from SE sites as soon as possible.

  • Do not despair, this has given us the opportunity to open the brands up to many more markets.
    Chat to your affiliate manager about this and start increasing your opportunities with us!



We look forward to catching up with you and exploring the opportunity of a strengthened collaboration.

May 2021 bring you greater earnings and continued success!