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NightRush Important Affiliate News


Here is the latest update regarding the Nightrush Migration.

We are excited to inform you that the final date for this migration will commence:

30th November 2020 and completed by 2nd December 2020.

What does this mean?

From the 25th of November 2020 we will be closing the finance option on the current (NightRush) affiliate platform, this will allow us to collate all/any balances due to you and move it over to the new affiliate system. Please note that should any invoices be sent to the team after this date we will not action them.

Your November 2020 commissions will not be paid through the Income access affiliate system but rather loaded to the new affiliate system. Please check and confirm that all is correct with your payment details and hit the cash out button. Invoices no longer required to get you paid, the power is now in your click

Important Points to Note:

  1. The new affiliate system will hold 6 months of historical reporting. We kindly request that should you wish to have any or all historical reports, to pull them from the system now before the migration commences. Once the system changes you won’t have access to this through the new system.

  2. Once NightRush migrate it will no longer have the SE license

We have handled everything else for you and are very excited about the change. All you need to do is reset the password on your new affiliate account (once this is created) and we will handle the rest. All tracking links will still track from the old program and your players will be moved over to the new platform.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your account manager.
Alternatively, you can contact us on: [email protected]